Meet Lawrence

I'm a common sense, conservative candidate for city council fighting to preserve the Villa Park that we know. 

As the new kid on the block, I'm an independent minded candidate who can offer new solutions to resolve the city's current day problems. 

External forces such as Sacramento mandates put the uniqueness of our city at risk. Working in the nursing home industry, which is one of the most regulated sectors in business, I can provide valuable insight as to how to deal with the bureaucracy. 

After 62 years of competent leadership on Villa Park's city council, it is essential that we continue electing common sense candidates who will fight for Villa Park. 

New issues will be facing Villa Park. School traffic will only worsen as the nearby Villages will be replaced with housing. Property taxes will only increase as local jurisdictions continue to place bonds on the ballot. As YOUR conservative choice, I pledge to tackle these issues and work with local leaders and residents.